Optimal Block Stacking

Optimal Block Stacking

I am pleased to announce that Shahab Derhami, Jeff Smith and I have just had a manuscript accepted in International Journal of Production Research entitled, “Optimizing Space Utilization in Block Stacking Warehouses.” Congratulations especially to Shahab—this is the...

An updated LoDI Index

The Greater Louisville LoDI Index has recently undergone a dramatic update, bringing the data and modeling techniques more in-line with those used for the National LoDI Index. The data used as a predictor of health in the sector is now concentrated on the Trade,...
Logistics Automation and Us

Logistics Automation and Us

Several years ago I began telling my children that I thought the greatest challenge for their generation was sensibly integrating technology into everyday life. It seemed at the time (and I continue to believe) that the blind adoption of rapidly advancing technology...